Beginning with "J"
While most of the world uses
"Java" as another term for coffee, the computer science world uses
it to refer to a...
Like Java, this is a
programming lanuguage designed by Sun Microsystems, in conjuction with
Netscape, that can be...
A joystick is an input device
commonly used to control video games. Joysticks consist of a base and a stick
that can...
The term actually stands for
"Joint Photographic Experts Group," because that is the name of the
committee that...
Stands for "Java Runtime
Environment" and may also be written "Java RTE." Java is a
programming language, similar to...
Stands for "Java Server
Page." This standard was developed by Sun Microsystems as an alternative
to Microsoft's active...
This is a small metal connector
that acts as an on/off switch and is used to alter hardware configurations. A
Beginning with "K"
Stands for "Kilobits Per
Second." Don't confuse this with Kilobytes per second (which is 8 times
more data per...
Stands for "K Desktop
Environment." KDE is a contemporary desktop environment for Unix
systems. It is a Free Software...
This is a term for the
computing elite, so proceed at your own risk. To understand what a kernel is,
you first need to...
Kerning refers to the spacing
between the characters of a font. Without kerning, each character takes up a
block of...
As the name implies, a keyboard
is basically a board of keys. Along with the mouse, the keyboard is one of
the primary...
A keyboard shortcut is a key
combination that performs a certain command, such as closing a window or
saving a file...
A keylogger is a program that
records the keystrokes on a computer. It does this by monitoring a user's
input and...
A keystroke is typing one
character on a keyboard (not stroking your keyboard like a cat). Every time
you hit a key...
Keywords are words or phrases
that describe content. They can be used as metadata to describe images, text
A kibibyte is a unit of data
storage that equals 2 to the 10th power, or 1,024 bytes. While a kilobyte can
A kilobyte is 2 to the 10th
power, or 1,024 bytes. "But doesn't 'kilo' means one thousand?" you
ask. Well yes, but...
KOffice (pronounced
"K-office") is an integrated office suite for the K Desktop
Environment (KDE), a desktop interface...
Stands for "Keyboard,
Video, and Mouse switch." As the name implies, a KVM switch allows you
to used multiple...
Beginning with "L"
Stands for "Local Area
Network," and is pronounced like "land" without the
"d". (Computer people will think you're...
Laptop computers, also known as
notebooks, are portable computers that you can take with you and use in
A laser printer is a printer
that uses a focused beam or light to transfer text and images onto paper.
Though contrary...
This is the amount of time it
takes a packet of data to move across a network connection. When a packet is
being sent...
Stands for "Liquid Crystal
Display." LCDs are super-thin displays that are used in laptop computer
screens and flat...
Stands for "Lightweight
Directory Access Protocol." If you want to make directory information
available over the...
As the average computer screen
size has grown larger, the size of online advertisements as grown as well.
What does a computer's hard
disk have in common with a tall oak? While it may not look like a tree on the
outside, the...
LED is short for
"Light-Emitting Diode." It is a type of electronic light source
that is activated by an electrical...
Stands for "Last In, First
Out." LIFO is a method of processing data in which the last items
entered are the first to...
When you are browsing the Web
and you see a highlighted and underlined word or phrase on a page, there is a
good chance...
LinkedIn is a business-oriented
social networking website. It allows you to create a custom profile and add
Linux is a free, open source,
Unix-like (operating system|operating_system). It is available in several
This term looks like it's
missing an "e", but that's how it's spelled. A listserv, or list
server, is a small program...
Computer networks are complex
systems, often routing hundreds, thousands, or even millions of data packets
"Localhost" refers to
the local computer that a program is running on. For example, if you are
running a Web browser...
A log file contains a record of
events generated by a software program or output by a hardware device. Most
log files...
Logic gates perform basic
logical functions and are the are the fundamental building blocks of digital
If you are ever asked to enter
your username and password, you are being asked to enter your login
information. A...
Lossless compression reduces a
file's size with no loss of quality. This seemingly magical method of
reducing file...
Lossy file compression results
in lost data and quality from the original version. Lossy compression is
Stands for "Lines Per
Inch." LPI is used to measure the resolution of images printed in
halftones. Because halftone...
Stands for "Logical Unit
Number." LUNs are used to identify SCSI devices, such as external hard
drives, connected to a...
Beginning with "M"
Stands for "Media Access
Control Address," and no, it is not related Apple Macintosh computers. A
MAC address is a...
This is the operating system
that runs on Macintosh computers. It is pronounced, "mack-oh-es."
The Mac OS has been...
Mac OS X, pronounced "Mac
Oh-Es Ten," is the current version of the operating system used on Apple
Macintosh computers...
This is the name of the computers
that are made by Apple Computer. The first Macintosh was introduced in 1984
and was...
Macro has two computer-related
definitions, both of which involve making your computer experience more
efficient. ...
A mainframe is an ultra
high-performance computer made for high-volume, processor-intensive
computing. They are...
Short for "malicious
software," malware refers to software programs designed to damage or do
other unwanted actions on...
Stands for "Mobile Ad Hoc
Network." A MANET is a type of ad hoc network that can change locations
and configure itself...
A markup language is a type of
syntax used for defining elements within a document, such as a webpage or
data file. It...
The term "mashup" has
several meanings. It was originally used to describe songs that meshed two
different styles of...
Maximizing a window makes it
larger. In Windows, a maximized window fills the entire screen, while on a
Mac, it takes...
Stands for "Megabits Per
Second." One megabit is equal to one million bits or 1,000 kilobits.
While "megabit" sounds...
Stands for "Micro Channel
Architecture." It is an expansion bus created by IBM that was used in
the company's PS...
A mebibyte is a unit of data
storage that equals 2 to the 20th power, or 1,048,576 bytes. While a megabyte
can be...
In general, "media"
refers to various means of communication. For example, television, radio, and
the newspaper are...
A megabyte is 2 to the 20th
power, or 1,048,576 bytes. It can be estimated as 10 to the 6th power, or one
One megahertz is equal to one
million cycles per second. It is used to measure transmission speeds of
A megapixel is one million
pixels. It is commonly used to describe the resolution of digital cameras.
For example, a...
Just like humans, computers
rely a lot on memory. They need to process and store data, just like we do.
A memory bank is an individual
section of data stored in a computer's memory. It typically contains data
that only...
A memory leak is like a virtual
oil leak in your computer. It slowly drains the available memory, reducing
the amount...
A memory module is another name
for a RAM chip. It is often used as a general term used to describe SIMM,
DIMM, and...
Memory Stick is a type of flash
memory developed by Sony. It is used to store data for digital cameras,
A menu bar is a horizontal
strip that contains lists of available menus for a certain program. In
Windows programs...
Meta search engines are search
engines that search other search engines. Confused? To put it simply, a meta
This is a special HTML tag that
is used to store information about a Web page but is not displayed in a Web
Metadata describes other data.
It provides information about a certain item's content. For example, an image
A metafile can refer to two
different types of computer files. The first is a file that describes the
contents of...
Stands for "Musical
Instrument Digital Interface." It is a connectivity standard that
musicians use to hook together...
Most digital camcorders record
video and audio on a Mini DV tape. The cassettes measure 2.6 x 1.9 x 0.5
inches (L x W...
Minimizing a window temporarily
hides it from view without closing it. In Windows, a button for the minimized
Stands for "Million
Instructions Per Second." It is a method of measuring the raw speed of a
computer's processor...
A mirror is something that you
can see your reflection in. Most mirrors consist of a sheet of glass with a
sheet of...
A mirrored volume is a hard
drive or other form of storage media that stores an exact copy of the data
from another...
A mnemonic (pronounced
"nemonic") is a pattern that can be used as an aid for memorizing
information. Most often, this...
The word modem is actually
short for Modulator/Demodulator. (There's something you can really impress
your friends...
A modifier key is a key that
modifies the action of another key when the two are pressed together. Common
The term "monitor" is
often used synonymously with "computer screen" or
"display." The monitor displays the computer's...
Stands for "Modular
Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment." Moodle is an open source
course management system...
The motherboard is the main
circuit board of your computer and is also known as the mainboard or logic
board. If you...
In order for a hard disk or
disk partition to be accessible by a computer, it must first be mounted. This
is a...
A mouse, along with the
keyboard, is one of the two main input devices used by computers. It is a
small handheld...
Stands for "MPEG-1 Audio
Layer-3." MP3 is popular compressed audio file format that helped
popularize digital music...
Stands for "Moving Picture
Experts Group." The MPEG organization, which works with the
International Organization for...
Stands for "Maximum
Transmission Unit." MTU is a networking term that defines the largest
packet size that can be sent...
As the name implies, multimedia
is the integration of multiple forms of media. This includes text, graphics,
If a software program is
developed for mulitple operating systems, it is considered to be
"multiplatform." Since...
For many years, the speed of
computer processors increased through improvements in the architecture and
clock speed of...
Multitasking is processing
multiple tasks at one time. For example, when you see someone in the car next
to you eating...
Multithreading is similar to
multitasking, but enables the processing of multiple threads at one time,
rather than...
MySpace is an online community
that allows friends to keep in touch and meet new people as well. It started
out as a...
MySQL, pronounced either
"My S-Q-L" or "My Sequel," is an open source relational
database management system. It is...
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