Beginning with "F"
Facebook is a social networking
website that was originally designed for college students, but is now open to
Stands for "Frequently
Asked Questions," and can be pronounced "fak" or simply
"F-A-Q." An FAQ is a text file that is...
This strange term refers to the
way Windows stores data on your hard drive. "FAT" stands for
"File Allocation Table...
This is a cable made up of
super-thin filaments of glass or other transparent materials that can carry
beams of light...
Stands for "First In,
First Out." FIFO is a method of processing and retrieving data. In a
FIFO system, the first...
A file is a collection of data
stored in one unit, identified by a filename. It can be a document, picture,
audio or...
A file extension is the last
part of a filename, after the dot (e.g. ".pdf"). Most file
extensions are three...
A file format describes the way
data is stored in a file. It defines the data structure (how the data is
organized in...
Most people have several
thousand files on their computer's hard disk, so imagine how hard it would be
to find anything...
A filename is a text string
that identifies a file. Every file stored on a computer's hard disk has a
filename that...
The Finder serves as the
primary graphical user interface (GUI) for Macintosh computers. It includes
the desktop...
Stands for "Fiber Optic
Service." FiOS is a data communications service provided by Verizon that
uses fiber optic...
The term "firewall"
originally referred to fireproof walls that were designed to prevent the
spread of fire from one...
This high-speed interface has
become a hot new standard for connecting peripherals (no pun intended).
Created by Apple...
Firmware is a software program
or set of instructions programmed on a hardware device. It provides the
Flaming is the act of posting
or sending offensive messages over the Internet. These messages, called
"flames," may be...
Flash is a multimedia
technology used for creating animations and interactive websites. Web
developers often use Flash...
Flash drives have many names —
jump drives, thumb drives, pen drives, and USB keychain drives. Regardless
Flash memory is a type of
electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM). Whew, that's a
mouthful. The...
A flat file database is a
database that stores data in a plain text file. Each line of the text file
holds one record...
A flatbed is a type of scanner
or copier that uses a flat, glass surface for scanning documents or other
objects. Most...
As the name implies, floating
point numbers are numbers that contain floating decimal points. For example,
the numbers...
Floppy disks have an
interesting name, considering they do not appear to be "floppy."
However, if you take the actual...
FLOPS is an acronym that means
"Floating Point Operations Per Second." FLOPS is a measurement unit
that defines the...
A flowchart is a diagram that
describes a process or operation. It includes multiple steps, which the
process "flows...
Just like real world folders,
folders on your hard drive store files. These files can be documents,
programs, scripts...
A font is a specific typeface
of a certain size and style. For example, one font may be Arial 12 pt bold,
Formatting a disk involves
rewriting the directory structure, or file system, of a disk. All disks must
be formatted...
A formula is a calculation
performed on one or more variables. It may be a simple operation, such as the
addition of...
Stands for "Floating Point
Unit." The first computer processors were far better at dealing with
integers than with...
In the computer world, a frame
can be many different things. The different definitions of "frame"
are listed below: ...
Like shareware, freeware is
software you can download, pass around, and distribute without any initial
An online friend is a person
added to your list of friends on a social networking website, such as Facebook
or MySpace...
While "frozen"
describes the state of Minnesota from November to March, it also refers to an
unresponsive computer...
Stands for "frontside
bus." The FSB connects the computer's processor to the system memory
(RAM) and other components...
Stands for "File Transfer
Protocol." It is a common method of transferring files via the Internet
from one computer to...
Beginning with "G"
Gamma correction is used to
alter the output levels of a display. Since the standard input signal (or
voltage level...
A gateway is either hardware or
software that acts as a bridge between two networks so that data can be transferred...
A gibibyte is a unit of data
storage that equals 2 to the 30th power, or 1,073,741,824 bytes. While a
gigabyte can...
The letters "GIF"
actually stand for "Graphics Interchange Format," but you don't
need to remember that. What you...
A gigabyte is 2 to the 30th
power, or 1,073,741,824 bytes. It can be estimated as 10 to the 9th power, or
Gigaflops is a unit of
measurement that measures the processing power of a processor's floating point
unit, or FPU...
One gigahertz is equal to 1,000
megahertz (MHz) or 1,000,000,000 Hz. It is commonly used to measure
Stands for "Garbage In,
Garbage Out." It means that if invalid data is entered in a computer
program, the resulting...
Stands for "Geographic
Information Systems." GIS tools are used to gather and analyze data
about the surface of the...
GNU (a recursive acronym for
"GNU's Not Unix") is a Unix-like (operating
system|operating_system) that is available in...
Gnutella is a file sharing
network that allows users to send and receive files over the Internet. The
first part of...
Golden master is the final
stage of the software development process. It describes the "Release to
Manufacturing" or...
Goodput sounds like a golf term
that describes sinking a 20 foot birdie putt. However, in the computer world,
Google is the world's most
popular search engine. It began as a search project in 1996 by Larry Page and
Sergey Brin...
The Gopher technology was
invented at the University of Minnesota, whose mascot is, not surprisingly,
the Golden...
Stands for "Global
Positioning System." GPS is a satellite navigation system used to
determine ground position and...
Stands for "Graphics
Processing Unit." Like the CPU (Central Processing Unit), it is a
single-chip processor...
Computer graphics are images
displayed on a computer screen. They can be either two or
Stands for "Graphical User
Interface," and is pronounced "gooey." It refers to the
graphical interface of a computer...
Stands for "Globally
Unique Identifier." A GUID is a 128-bit (16 byte) number used by
software programs to uniquely...
Beginning with "H"
While this term originally
referred to a clever or expert programmer, it is now more commonly used to
refer to someone...
A halftone image is made up of
a series of dots rather than a continuous tone. These dots can be different
In online chat, the name you
use is often referred to as your screen name, or handle. So if you decided to
A hard copy is a printed
document. It may be a text file, photograph, drawing, or any other type of
printable file...
When you save data or install
programs on your computer, the information is typically written to your hard
disk. The...
The hard drive is what stores
all your data. It houses the hard disk, where all your files and folders are
A hard token, sometimes called
an "authentication token," is a hardware security device that is
used to authorize a...
Computer hardware refers to the
physical parts of a computer and related devices. Internal hardware devices
Stands for
"High-Definition Multimedia Interface." HDMI is a digital interface
for transmitting audio and video data...
Stands for "High
Definition Televsion." HDTV is a high-quality video standard developed
to replace older video formats...
Stands for
"High-Definition Video." According to a consortium of manufacturers
including Sony, JVC, Canon, and Sharp...
A computer's CPU may perform
millions of calculations every second. As the processor continues to work at
a rapid...
Hertz (abbreviated: Hz) is the
standard unit of measurement used for measuring frequency. Since frequency
Generally speaking, a heuristic
is a "rule of thumb," or a good guide to follow when making
decisions. In computer...
Hexadecimal is a base-16 number
system. It is a different method of representing numbers than the base-10
system we...
Stands for "Hierarchical
File System." HFS is the file system used for organizing files on a
Macintosh hard disk...
If you are not going to use
your computer for a few hours, it is a good idea to put it to sleep (also
known as standby...
Technically, a hit is a request
made to a Web server. It is a popular misconception that the term refers to
the number...
This is the starting point or
front page of a Web site. This page usually has some sort of table of
contents on it and...
A horizontal market is one that
supplies goods to a variety of industries instead of just one. Therefore,
This is a computer that acts as
a server for other computers on a network. It can be a Web server, an e-mail
When you roll the cursor over a
link on a Web page, it is often referred to as "hovering" over the
link. This is...
Stands for "Heat Sink and
Fan." Nearly all computers have heat sinks, which help keep the CPU cool
and prevent it from...
Stands for "Hyper-Text
Markup Language." This is the language that Web pages are written in.
Also known as hypertext...
Stands for "HyperText
Transfer Protocol." This is the protocol used to transfer data over the
World Wide Web. That's...
Stands for "HyperText
Transport Protocol Secure." HTTPS is the same thing as HTTP, but uses a
secure socket layer...
This is a hardware device that
is used to network multiple computers together. It is a central connection
for all the...
Hyper-threading is a technology
developed by Intel Corporation. It is used in certain Pentium 4 processors
and all...
A hyperlink is a word, phrase,
or image that you can click on to jump to a new document or a new section
within the...
Most Web navigation is done by
clicking text-based links that open new pages in a Web browser. These links,
which are...
Hypertext is text that links to
other information. By clicking on a link in a hypertext document, a user can
Beginning with "I"
Stands for
"Input/Output" and is pronounced simply "eye-oh."
Computers are based on the fundamental idea that every...
Each I/O device connected to
your computer is mapped to a unique I/O (Input/Output) address. These
addresses are...
The personal computer market in
the early 1980's consisted primarily of Apple and IBM computers. Apple's
systems ran a...
Stands for "Internet
Corporation For Assigned Names and Numbers." The ICANN is an non-profit
corporation that is...
Stands for "Internet
Connection Firewall." ICF is a Windows XP feature that protects
computers connected to the...
Stands for "Internet
Control Message Protocol." When information is transferred over the
Internet, computer systems...
Ever since the Macintosh was
introduced in 1984, icons have been the way we view files on computers. An
icon on your...
ICQ is a popular online chat
program that allows users to communicate with each other over the Internet.
It is similar...
Stands for "Internet
Connection Sharing." ICS allows multiple computers to connect to the
Internet using the same...
ICT is short for
"Information and Communication Technologies." It is similar to IT
(Information Technology), but...
IDE may either stand for
"Integrated Device Electronics" or "Integrated Development
Environment." The first is a...
Stands for the "Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers." This is a non-profit
organization that develops...
Stands for "Integrated
Graphics Processor." An IGP is a graphics chip that is integrated into a
When a program on your computer
has an error, you may see a message pop up on the screen saying,
"Illegal Operation...
Stands for "Instant
Message." Instant messaging, or "IMing," as frequent users
call it, has become a popular way to...
Stands for "Internet
Message Access Protocol" and is pronounced "eye-map." It is a
method of accessing e-mail messages...
An impact printer is a printer
that strikes a print head against an ink ribbon to mark the paper. Common
It is said that you never get a
second chance to make a first impression. Well, in the wonderful world of the
An inbox is the main folder
that your incoming mail gets stored in. Whether you check your mail through a
An index is a list of data,
such as group of files or database entries. It is typically saved in a plain
text format...
Infotainment is a combo word,
like "fantabulous," that combines two words into one. It refers to
television shows...
Inkjet printers are the most
common type of consumer printers. The inkjet technology works by spraying
very fine drops...
Whenever you enter data into
your computer, it is referred to as input. This can be text typed in a word
An input device is any device
that provides input to a computer. There are dozens of possible input
devices, but the...
Most software programs require
that you first install them on your computer before using them. For example,
if you buy...
In order to install new
software on your computer, you often need to run an installer program. This
program unpacks...
An integer is a whole number
(not a fraction) that can be positive, negative, or zero. Therefore, the
An integrated circuit, or IC,
is small chip that can function as an amplifier, oscillator, timer,
microprocessor, or...
Intellectual property refers to
the ownership of intangible and non-physical goods. This includes ideas,
An interface is a port on a
hardware device that allows it to connect to another device. Common hardware
A common way to compress video
is to interlace it. Each frame of an interlaced video signal shows every
As the name implies, an
internal hard drive is a hard drive located inside a computer. Nearly all
computers come with...
Believe it or not, the Internet
was created way back in 1969, during the Cold War, by the United States
military. It...
Stands for "Internet
Network Information Center." The InterNIC is an organization created by
the National Science...
Contrary to popular belief,
this is not simply a misspelling of "Internet." "Intra"
means "internal" or "within," so...
Stands for "Internet
Protocol." It provides a standard set of rules for sending and receiving
data through the...
Also known as an "IP
number" or simply an "IP," this is a code made up of numbers
separated by three dots that...
The iPad is a lightweight
tablet PC developed by Apple. It looks similar to an iPhone, but has a much
Apple's iPhone is a smartphone
that functions as a mobile phone, an iPod, and can run third-party apps. It
runs the...
The iPod is a portable music
player developed by Apple Computer. Though it is an Apple product, the iPod
can be used...
IPv4 is the fourth revision of
the Internet Protocol and is the most common version used today. It uses
Every computer system and
device connected to the Internet is located by an IP address. The current
system of...
Stands for "Internetwork
Packet Exchange." (I didn't know "exchange" started with an
"x" either.) It is a networking...
Stands for "Internet Relay
Chat." IRC makes it possible for people using the Internet to converse
with each other in...
Stands for "Interrupt
Request." PCs use interrupt requests to manage various hardware
operations. Devices such as...
Stands for "Industry
Standard Architecture." ISA is a type of bus used in PCs for adding
expansion cards. For example...
Stands for "Internet Small
Computer Systems Interface." iSCSI is an extension of the standard SCSI
storage interface...
Stands for "Integrated
Services Digital Network." No, it's not the same thing as the ISBN you
see in books. ISDN is a...
Stands for "International
Organization for Standardization." Yes, technically the acronym should
be "IOFS," but I...
Stands for "Internet
Service Provider." In order to connect to the Internet, you need an ISP.
It is the company that...
Stands for "Information
Technology," and is pronounced "I.T." It refers to anything
related to computing technology...
Iteration is the repetition of
a function or process in a computer program. Iterations of functions are
common in...
iTunes is an audio playback
program developed by Apple Computer. You can use iTunes to import songs from
CDs as well...
Stands for "Interactive
Voice Response." IVR is a telephony technology that can read a
combination of touch tone and...
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