Beginning with "A"
Short for "Abnormal
end." An abend is an unexpected or abnormal end to a process. In
computer software, it typically...
Microsoft Access, often
abbreviated "MS Access," is a popular database application for
Windows. Access allows users to...
An access point provides
wireless access to a network. Devices connected to an access point can
communicate with other...
Stands for "Access Control
List." An ACL is a list of user permissions for a file, folder, or other
object. It...
Active-matrix technology is
used in high-quality flat-panel displays, such as laptop screens and thin
This Microsoft-based technology
was built to link desktop applications to the World Wide Web. Using
"Ad Hoc" is actually
a Latin phrase that means "for this purpose." It is often used to
describe solutions that are...
Stands for
"Analog-to-Digital Converter." Since computers only process digital
information, they require digital...
An add-on is a software
extension that adds extra features to a program. It may extend certain
functions within the...
Stands for "Automatic
Document Feeder." An ADF is used in copiers and scanners to feed pages
into the machine. It...
Stands for "Asymmetric
Digital Subscriber Line." ADSL is a type of DSL, which is a method of
transferring data over...
Adware is free software that is
supported by advertisements. Common adware programs are toolbars that sit on
Website affiliates are what
drive Internet marketing. Companies run affiliate programs to generate leads
and sales...
Stands for "Accelerated
Graphics Port." This is a graphics card expansion port designed by Intel
that resides on the...
Stands for "Audio
Interchange File Format." AIFF is an audio format originally developed
by Apple Computer for storing...
Stands for "Advanced
Interactive Executive," though some Linux fans have been known to refer
to it as "Ain't UNIX...
An alert box, sometimes called
a message box, is a small window that pops up on your screen to warn you that
An algorithm is a set of
instructions, sometimes called a procedure or a function, that is used to
perform a certain...
As humans, we perceive the
world in analog. Everything we see and hear is a continuous transmission of
information to...
Android is Google's mobile
(operating system|operating_system) (OS) that is used by several smartphones,
such as the...
Stands for "American
National Standards Institute." ANSI's primary goal is to enhance the
global competitiveness of...
Stands for "Application
Program Interface," though it is sometimes referred to as an
"Application Programming...
Apple is the company that makes
Macintosh computers, such as the iMac, Mac mini, MacBook, MacBook Air,
MacBook Pro, and...
This a Java program that can be
embedded in a Web page. The difference between a standard Java application
and a Java...
An application, or application
program, is a software program that runs on your computer. Web browsers,
Archie is a program used for
finding files stored on FTP (File Transfer Protocol) servers. Archie is not
used very...
An archive contains multiple
files and/or folders within a single file. Archives can be saved in several
Stands for "Address Resolution
Protocol." ARP is a protocol used for mapping an IP address to a
computer connected to...
An array is a data structure
that contains a group of elements. Typically these elements are all of the
same data...
Stands for "American
Standard Code for Information Interchange." ASCII is the universal
standard for the numerical...
Just to confuse ordinary people
like you and me, there are two equally important definitions of ASP. The term
ASP.NET is a set of Web
development tools offered by Microsoft. Programs like Visual Studio .NET and
Visual Web...
Stands for "Advanced
Technology Attachment." It is a type of disk drive that integrates the drive
controller directly...
Stands for "Asynchronous
Transfer Mode." Most people know of ATMs as automated teller machines --
those friendly boxes...
An autoresponder is a program
or script on a mail server that automatically replies to e-mails. Though it
is run from...
An avatar is an online
character that represents a person. For example, games like World of Warcraft
and the Sims...
Beginning with "B"
Just like the human backbone
carries signals to many smaller nerves in the body, a network backbone
carries data to...
There are two types of buses
that carry data to and from a computer's CPU. They are the frontside bus and
Backup is the most important
computer term you should know. A backup is a copy of one or more files
created as an...
Bandwidth refers to how much
data you can send through a network or modem connection. It is usually
measured in bits...
Whether you like it or not,
much of the Web is run by advertising. Just like television or radio,
websites can offer...
The term "base
station" was first used to refer to the towers you see on the side of
the road that relay cell phone...
A baseband signal is an
original transmission signal that has not be modulated, or has been
demodulated to its original...
Stands for "Beginner's
All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code." BASIC is a computer programming
language that was...
A batch file is a type of
script that contains a list of commands. These commands are executed in
sequence and can be...
As most computer users know,
some computing tasks can be tedious and repetitive. Fortunately, if a task is
Contrary to popular belief,
baud is not a direct measurement of data transfer speed, but instead it
measures how many...
Stands for "Blind Carbon
Copy." When you send an e-mail to only one person, you type the
recipient's address in the...
The term "bespoke"
comes from England where it originally referred to custom or tailor-made
clothing. In recent years...
Before a commercial software
program is released to the public, it usually goes through a "beta"
phase. During this...
Binary is a two-digit (Base-2)
numerical system, which computers use to store data and compute functions.
The reason...
Biometrics refers to
technologies used to detect and recognize human physical characteristics. In
the IT world...
Stands for "Basic
Input/Output System." Most people don't need to ever mess with the BIOS
on a computer, but it can be...
The computer term
"bit" comes from the phrase "Binary DigIT," which is
different than that thing you put around a...
Most images you see on your
computer are composed of bitmaps. A bitmap is a map of dots, or bits (hence
the name...
Bitrate, as the name implies,
describes the rate at which bits are transferred from one location to
another. In other...
BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer
(P2P) file sharing protocol designed to reduce the bandwidth required to
transfer files...
If you're like me, you picture
a blob as a enigmatic green object that lacks a defined shape or size. In the
Short for "Web Log,"
this term refers to a list of journal entries posted on a Web page. Anybody
who knows how to...
Blu-ray is an optical disc
format such as CD and DVD. It was developed for recording and playing back
This wireless technology
enables communication between Bluetooth-compatible devices. It is used for
Short for "Bitmap."
It can be pronounced as "bump," "B-M-P," or simply a
"bitmap image." The BMP format is a commonly...
Similar to a real-life
bookmark, an Internet bookmark acts as a marker for a Web site. (In Internet
Explorer, they're...
This is the logic that
computers use to determine if a statement is true or false. There are 4 main
boolean operators...
When you boot a football, you
kick it really far. When you boot a computer, you simply turn it on. Kicking
A boot disk is actually not a
computer disk in the shape of a boot. If it was, most disk drives would have
a difficult...
A boot sector is the first
section of a hard drive or other data storage media. It contains the master
boot record...
Each time a computer boots up,
it goes through an initial series of processes. This sequence of events is
aptly named...
This is an automated software
program that can execute certain commands when it receives a specific input
(like a...
A botnet is a network of
computers that are controlled from a single source. While some botnets are
used for...
The term "bounce" has
several different IT related meanings, yet none of them include bouncy balls.
The most common...
Stands for "Bits Per
Second." (The "b" is lowercase because it stands for bits, not
bytes.) Bits per second is the...
When a road needs to extend
across a river or valley, a bridge is built to connect the two land masses.
Since the...
This refers to high-speed data
transmission in which a single cable can carry a large amount of data at
once. The most...
You are probably using a
browser to read this right now. A Web browser, often just called a
"browser," is the program...
A buffer contains data that is
stored for a short amount of time, typically in the computer's memory (RAM).
In the computer world, a bug is
an error in a software program. It may cause a program to unexpectedly quit
or behave...
When you "burn a
disc," you write data on it. If you were taking an SAT test, the analogy
would look something like...
While the wheels on the bus may
go "round and round," data on a computer's bus goes up and down.
Each bus inside a...
A byte is a set of 8 bits that
represent a single character in the computer's memory. Do not confuse this
term with...
Beginning with "C"
C is a high-level programming
language that was developed in the mid-1970s. It was originally used for
writing Unix...
A cable modem is used for
connecting to the Internet and is much faster than a typical dial-up modem.
While a 56K...
This term is pronounced like
"cash" -- not "catch," and definitely not
"cashé." There are many different types...
Stands for "Computer-Aided
Design." Also known by engineers and architects as the best invention of
all time. Today...
Most digital cameras process
and compress the pictures you take immediately after capturing the image.
This can be...
Caps lock is a feature nearly
all keyboards have that, when active, capitalizes each letter typed on the
A captcha is a
challenge-response test that determines whether a user is human or an
automated bot. A typical captcha...
"Card reader" is the
generic term for an input device that reads flash memory cards. It can be a
standalone device...
Stands for "Carbon
Copy." The term comes from carbon copying, in which a piece of carbon
paper copies writing from one...
Stands for "Charged
Coupled Device." CCDs are sensors used in digital cameras and video
cameras to record still and...
Stands for "Compact
Disc." CDs are circular discs that are 4.75 in (12 cm) in diameter. The
CD standard was proposed...
Stands for "Compact Disc
Recordable." CD-R discs are blank CDs that can record data written by a
CD burner. The word...
Stands for "Compact Disc
Read-Only Memory." A CD-ROM is a CD that can be read by a computer with
an optical drive...
Stands for "Compact Disc
Re-Writable." A CD-RW is a blank CD that can be written to by a CD
burner. Unlike a CD-R...
Stands for "Code Division
Multiple Access." CDMA is a wireless transmission technology that was
developed during World...
A cell is a location in a
spreadsheet defined by the intersection of a row and column. For example,
cell C7 is the...
An SSL certificate, or secure
certificate, is a file installed on a secure Web server that identifies a
website. This...
CGI stands for "Common
Gateway Interface" and is a standard set of rules that define how
scripts and programs can be...
A character is any letter,
number, space, punctuation mark, or symbol that can be typed on a computer.
The word...
A checksum is a calculated sum
used to check the integrity of a file. It can be generated from one of many
Technically speaking, a computer
chip is a piece of silicon with an electonic circuit embedded in it. However,
A chipset describes the
architecture of an integrated circuit. This includes the layout of the
circuitry, the...
Stands for "Complex
Instruction Set Computing." This is a type of microprocessor design. The
CISC architecture...
A clean install is an
(operating system|operating_system) (OS) installation that overwrites all
other content on the...
A simple definition of this
would be "the opposite of my bedroom." But technically speaking, a
clean room is a highly...
In the real world, businesses
have clients. In the computer world, servers have clients. The
Clip art is a collection of
pictures or images that can be imported into a document or another program.
The images may...
The clipboard is a section of
RAM where your computer stores copied data. This can be a selection of text,
an image, a...
CLOB is short for
"Character Large Object." It is a data type used to store large
amounts of character data. CLOBs...
A clock cycle, or clock tick,
is one increment of the CPU clock, during which the smallest unit of
processor activity...
Clock speed is the rate at
which a processor can complete a processing cycle. It is typically measured
in megahertz or...
What do sheep, droids, and
computers all have in common? They can all be cloned! Of the three, computer
clones are by...
Cloud computing is a general
term used to describe Internet services. These include social networking
services like...
In the computer world, a
cluster can refer to two different things: 1) A group of sectors on a disk.
While a sector...
Stands for "Complementary
Metal Oxide Semiconductor." This technology is typically used in making
transistors. The...
Stands for "Cyan Magenta
Yellow Black." These are the four basic colors used for printing color
images. Unlike RGB...
No, this is not just a cheap
rip-off of Kodak. The name "codec" is short for
"coder-decoder," which is pretty much...
A command prompt is used in a
text-based or "command-line" interface, such as a Unix terminal or
a DOS shell. It is a...
Computer software comes in
three different flavors: freeware, shareware, and commercial software.
Freeware is free to...
Often abbreviated as simply
"CF," Compact Flash is a type of flash memory. Compact flash cards
are most commonly used...
When programmers create
software programs, they first write the program in source code, which is
written in a specific...
A compiler is a software
program that compiles program source code files into an executable program.
It is included as...
Computers are made up of many
different parts, such as a motherboard, CPU, RAM, and hard drive. Each of
these parts...
Technically, a computer is a
programmable machine. This means it can execute a programmed list of
instructions and...
Ethics is a set of moral
principles that govern the behavior of a group or individual. Therefore,
computer ethics is...
In the computing world, when
people talk about their computer configuration, they are referring to the
A contextual menu is a pop-up
menu that appears when you right-click on a certain area of the screen. It
The Control Panel is a feature
of the Windows operating system that allows the user to modify system
settings and...
The controller card, or simply
"controller," is a piece of hardware that acts as the interface
between the motherboard...
It seems like everyone who
tries to explain what a cookie is just has to make a joke out of it (because
of the name...
Many software programs allow
you to copy data, such as text in Microsoft Word or an image in Adobe
Photoshop. To copy...
Copyright protects an author's
original work from being copied and republished by others. It gives the
Stands for "Cost Per
Action," and is used in online advertising. CPA defines how much revenue
a publisher receives...
Stands for "Cost Per
Click," and is used in online advertising. CPC defines how much revenue
a publisher receives each...
Stands for "Cost Per
Lead," and is used in online advertising. CPL defines how much revenue a
publisher receives when...
Stands for "Cost Per 1,000
Impressions," and is used in online advertising. CPM defines the cost an
advertiser pays...
Stands for "Classroom
Performance System." CPS refers to a technology system that is used for
educational purposes...
Stands for "Central
Processing Unit." This is the pretty much the brain of your computer. It
processes everything...
Stands for "Customer
Relationship Management." This is a business term that started somewhere
in the deep abyss of the...
Also known as a "cron
job," a cron is a process or task that runs periodically on a Unix
system. Some examples of...
When you crop an image or
photo, you remove part of the image. This may involve cutting some of the
image from the...
Cross-browser means that a
website is compatible with multiple Web browsers. This means the Web pages
show up...
Software that can run on
multiple types of computer systems. For example, the graphics program Adobe
Photoshop and the...
Stands for "Cathode Ray
Tube." CRT is the technology used in traditional computer monitors and
televisions. The image...
Stands for "Cascading
Style Sheet." Cascading style sheets are used to format the layout of
Web pages. They can be...
Stands for "Composite
Theoretical Performance." CTP is used to measure the performance of
computer processors. The...
Stands for "Click-Through
Rate," and is used in online advertising. Web publishers typically
generate revenue from...
The cursor on your screen can
indicate two things: 1) where your mouse pointer is, or 2) where the next
character typed...
The Cut command removes a
selected object and copies it to the clipboard. It performs both a Delete and
Copy operation...
Cyberbullying involves
harassing, embarrassing, or threatening a young person via cyberspace. It
encompasses several...
Cybercrime is criminal activity
done using computers and the Internet. This includes anything from
downloading illegal...
Unlike most computer terms,
"cyberspace" does not have a standard, objective definition.
Instead, it is used to...
A cybersquatter, or
"domainer," is someone who registers a domain name without
intending to create a website for it...
Beginning with "D"
Stands for
"Digital-to-Analog Converter" and is often pronounced
"dac." Since computers only recognize digital...
The word "daemon"
actually comes from the Greek language, meaning an "inner or attendant
spirit" (Oxford American...
Dashboard is a user-interface
feature Apple introduced with the release of Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger. It allows access
Computer data is information
processed or stored by a computer. This information may be in the form of
text documents...
Data management refers to the
way individuals, companies, and organizations manage computer data. It
includes micro...
The data transfer rate is
commonly used to measure how fast data is transferred from one location to
another. For...
A data type is a type of data.
Of course, that is rather circular definition, and also not very helpful.
Therefore, a...
A database contains data stored
in a structured format. It includes one or more tables, which each contain multiple...
Stands for "Database
Management System." In short, a DBMS is a database program. Technically
speaking, it is a...
DDL is short for "Data
Definition Language." It is used to define the structure of a database,
including the tables...
Stands for "Double Data
Rate." It is an advanced version of SDRAM, a type of computer memory.
DDR-SDRAM, sometimes...
Stands for "Double Data
Rate 2." DDR2 RAM is an improved version of DDR memory that is faster
and more efficient. Like...
Computer programmers, like
everybody else, are not perfect. This means the programs they write sometimes
have small...
Even the most experienced
software programmers usually don't get it right on their first try. Certain
errors, often...
This term is used to describe a
preset value for some option in a computer program. It is the value used when
Defragmenting your hard disk is
a great way to boost the performance of your computer. Though the term
Ever wonder what that
"degauss" button on your monitor does besides make a buzzing noise
and cause the screen to go...
|, pronounced simply
"delicious," is a community bookmarking website in which users can
save Web pages they...
Delete is computer terminology
for remove or erase. You can delete text from a document of delete entire
files or...
Your computer's desktop is much
like a physical desktop. You probably keep a number of commonly used items on
When documents and images are
printed, they are "published." Before computers became commonplace,
the publishing...
Stands for "Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol." A network server uses this protocol to
dynamically assign IP...
A dial-up connection uses a
modem to connect to an ISP or another computer. It uses standard analog phone
lines to...
As the name implies, a dialog
box serves to initiate a dialog with the user. It is a window that pops up on
the screen...
Digital information is stored
using a series of ones and zeros. Computers are digital machines because they
can only...
A digital camera is an
electronic device that captures images in a digital format. It works in a
similar way to a...
A digital signature is a block
of data that can be attached to documents such as PDFs, word processing
files, and...
When you "digitize"
something, you convert it from analog to digital. For example, if you import
a VHS tape from a VCR...
Stands for "Dual In-Line
Memory Module." It is a type of computer memory. A DIMM is a small
circuit board that holds...
Direct Digital Marketing, or
DDM, is a type of marketing that is done through a digital medium. Common DDM
Direct3D is an application
program interface (API) developed by Microsoft that provides a set of
commands and functions...
A directory is another name for
a folder. Files on your hard disk are organized into various folders, or
DirectX is a set of standard
commands and functions that software developers can use when creating their
The term "disk drive"
is a general term that describes a device that reads and/or writes data to a
disk. It is often...
A disk image is a software copy
of a physical disk. It saves the entire data from the disk, including the
Dithering is a process that can
be applied to both digital images and audio files. For digital images,
dithering adds...
Stands for "Dynamic Link
Library." A DLL (.dll) file contains a library of functions and other
information that can be...
Stands for "Direct Memory
Access." DMA is a method of transferring data from the computer's RAM to
another part of the...
Stands for "Domain Name
System." The primary purpose of DNS is to keep Web surfers sane. Without
DNS, we would have...
DNS records are stored in zone
files and are used for translating domain names to IP addresses. They also
The Dock is a feature of the
Mac OS X Finder that provides quick access to programs, files, and folders.
By default...
While the term
"domain" is often used synonymously with "domain name,"
it also has a definition specific to local...
This is the name that
identifies an Web site. For example, "" is the domain
name of Microsoft's Web site...
A domain suffix is the last
part of a domain name. Common examples include ".com,"
".net," and ".org," though many...
This funny-sounding computer
term has two widely different definitions that are completely unrelated: 1. A
Stands for "Disk Operating
System." DOS was the first (operating system|operating_system) used by
A dot matrix is a 2D matrix of
dots that can represent images, symbols, or characters. They are used for
This is the measurement used to
determine how sharp the display of a CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) monitor is. It is
Double clicking involves
clicking your mouse button quickly two times. To perform a double click, and
not just two...
This is the process in which
data is sent to your computer. Whenever you receive information from the
Internet, you...
Stands for "Dots Per Inch."
DPI is used to measure the resolution of an image both on screen and in
print. As the...
You can use your mouse to drag
icons and other objects on your computer screen. Dragging icons from your
desktop or an...
Stands for "Dynamic Random
Access Memory." DRAM is a type of RAM that stores each bit of data on a
separate capacitor...
This term usually refers to the
person behind the wheel of a moving car. In the computer world, however, a
driver is a...
Stands for "Digital Rights
Management." DRM refers to a collection of systems used to protect the
copyrights of...
A drop down menu is a
horizontal menu that displays a list of options when one of the primary menu
items is selected...
Stands for "Digital
Subscriber Line." It is medium for transferring data over regular phone
lines and can be used to...
Stands for "Digital
Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer." A DSLAM is a device used by
Internet Service Providers (ISPs...
Stands for "Document Type
Definition." A DTD defines the tags and attributes used in an XML or
HTML document. Any...
A dual-core processor is a CPU
with two processors or "execution cores" in the same integrated
circuit. Each processor...
Stands for "Digital
Video." Unlike traditional analog video, which is captured frame by
frame on a tape, digital video...
Stands for "Digital
Versatile Disc." It can also stand for "Digital Video Disc,"
but with the mulitple uses of DVDs...
Stands for "Digital
Versatile Disc Recordable." DVD+R discs look the same as regular DVDs,
but can be used to record...
Stands for "Digital
Versatile Disk Rewritable." A DVD+RW is like a DVD+R, but can be erased
and rewritten. DVD+RWs...
Stands for "Digital
Versatile Disc Recordable." A DVD-R looks the same as a regular DVD, but
like a CD-R, it can be...
DVD-RAM stands for
"Digital Versatile Disc - Random Access Memory." It is one of three
rewriteable DVD formats, along...
Stands for "Digital
Versatile Disk Rewritable." A DVD-RW is like a DVD-R but can be erased
and written to again. Like...
Stands for "Digital Video
Interface." DVI is a video connection standard created by the Digital
Display Working Group...
Stands for "Digital Video
Recorder." A DVR is basically a VCR that uses a hard drive instead of
video tapes. It can...
A dynamic website contains Web
pages that are generated dynamically. Each time a user accesses a page within
a dynamic...
Beginning with "E"
(electronic-commerce) refers to business over the Internet. Web sites such as,, and eBay...
It's hard to remember what our
lives were like without e-mail. Ranking up there with the Web as one of the
most useful...
In this day and age, most of us
receive several e-mails a day. Depending on your job, you may even receive
dozens of...
Stands for "Error
Correction Code." ECC is used to verify data transmissions by locating
and correcting transmission...
Stands for "Electronic
Data Interchange." EDI is a standardized method for transferring data
between different...
Edutainment is one of those
combo words, like "guesstimate," that combines two regular words
into one term that really...
EIDE is short for
"Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics" and is an improved version
of the IDE drive controller...
These are the little text-based
faces and objects that you often see in e-mail and online chat. They help
give the...
The term "emulation"
comes from the verb "emulate," which means to imitate or reproduce.
Therefore, computer emulation...
Encryption is the coding or
scrambling of information so that it can only be decoded and read by someone
who has the...
An end user is the person that
a software program or hardware device is designed for. The term is based on
the idea...
Stands for "Encapsulated
PostScript." EPS is a PostScript image file format that is compatible
with PostScript...
Just to be clear, the first
syllable is pronounced "eath" as in "Heath Bar," not like
"eth" as in Bethany. Some people...
Stands for "Enterprise
Unified Process." EUP is a software development methodology that helps
companies create...
An exabyte is 2 to the 60th
power, or 1,152,921,504,606,846,976 bytes. It can be estimated as 10 to the
18th power...
A exbibyte is a unit of data
storage that equals 2 to the 60th power, or 1,152,921,504,606,846,976 bytes.
While a...
Microsoft Excel is a
spreadsheet program for Windows and Macintosh computers. It is part of the
Microsoft Office...
An expansion card is a printed
circuit board that can be installed in computer to add functionality to it.
Nearly all personal computers
come with an internal hard drive. This drive stores the computer's operating
If you know the difference
between the Internet and an intranet, you have an above average understanding
of computer...
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