Beginning with "U"
U is the standard unit of
measurement for rack-mounted equipment. Racks can be used to house servers,
hard drives...
Stands for "Universal
Description Discovery and Integration." UDDI is a protocol that allows
businesses to promote...
Stands for "User Datagram
Protocol." It is part of the TCP/IP suite of protocols used for data
transferring. UDP is a...
This technology for
transferring data between a computer's hard disk and memory was developed by
Quantum and Intel...
Stands for "Unified
Modeling Language." This is a programming language that is used for
object-oriented software...
Stands for "Universal
Naming Convention," not just the home of the North Carolina Tar Heels.
UNC is a filename format...
The Undo command is located in
the Edit menu of most programs and has the shortcut "Ctrl+Z" (PC)
or "Cmd-Z" (Mac). It...
When you unfriend a user, your
remove that person from your list of friends on a social networking website,
such as...
Also known as UNIX, though the
letters do not stand for anything. The Unix operating system was first
created in Bell...
Unmounting a disk makes it
inaccessible by the computer. Of course, in order for a disk to be unmounted,
it must first...
While downloading is receiving
a file from another computer, uploading is the exact opposite. It is sending
a file...
Stands for "Universal Plug
and Play." Plug and Play describes devices that work with a computer
system as soon as they...
Stands for "Uninterruptible
Power Supply." In the technology world, UPS is more than just a brown
shipping company...
Stands for "Uniform
Resource Identifier." A URI identifies the name and location of a file
or resource in a uniform...
Stands for "Uniform
Resource Locator." A URL is the address of a specific Web site or file
on the Internet. It cannot...
Stands for "Universal
Serial Bus." USB is the most common type of computer port used in
today's computers. It can be...
A user interface is the means
in which a user controls a software program or hardware device. For example,
a software...
A username is a name that
uniquely identifies someone on a computer system. For example, a computer may
be setup with...
Utility programs, commonly
referred to as just "utilities," are software programs that add
functionality to your...
Beginning with "V"
Stands for "Virtual
Channel Identifier." The VCI, used in conjunction with the VPI (virtual
path indicator), indicates...
A VDU is a Visual Display Unit.
It is another term for monitor or screen, but may also refer to a projector
or other...
Mathematically, a vector is a
quantity, defined by both magnitude and direction. For example, a vector
could be...
Unlike JPEGs, GIFs, and BMP
images, vector graphics are not made up of a grid of pixels. Instead, vector
graphics are...
The name actually stands for
"Very Easy Rodent-Oriented Netwide Index to Computerized Archives."
Pretty weird, I know...
A vertical market is one that
supplies goods to a specific industry. For example, a MIDI keyboard
Stands for "Virtual File
Allocation Table." Older Windows operating systems (Windows ME and
earlier) used a file...
Stands for "Video Graphics
Array." It is the standard monitor or display interface used in most
PCs. Therefore, if a...
Most of the processing done on
a computer is done via the computer's central processing unit, or CPU. So in
order to...
Memory is hardware that your
computer uses to load the operating system and run programs. It consists of
one or more...
While the word
"virtual" is typically overused in the computer world, it is aptly
placed in the phrase "virtual...
Virtualization allows a single
computer to run multiple (operating systems|operating_system). For example,
Like a biological virus, a
computer virus is something you don't want to get. Computer viruses are small
programs or...
Visual Basic is a programming
language and development environment created by Microsoft. It is an extension
of the...
Stands for "VESA Local
Bus." (VESA stands for "Video Electronics Standards
Association"). The VLB, or VL-bus is a...
Stands for "Virtual
Learning Environment." A VLE is a virtual classroom that allows teachers
and students to...
Stands for "Voice Over
Internet Protocol," and is often pronounced "voip." VoIP is
basically a telephone connection...
The word "volume" has
several different meanings. The most common definition is the magnitude or
intensity of a...
Stands for "Virtual Path
Identifier." The VPI is an 8-bit header inside each ATM cell that
indicates where the cell...
Stands for "Virtual
Private Network" (not a successor to the UPN television network). VPN is
a network term that most...
Stands for "Video Random
Access Memory" and is pronounced "V-RAM." System RAM is great
for loading and running...
Stands for "Virtual
Reality Modeling Language." If you think this has something to do with
HTML, you're right. While...
Terms Beginning
with "W"
W3C is short for "World
Wide Web Consortium." The W3C is an international organization that
develops Web standards...
Stands for "Wide Area
Information Server." This is a program that can index enormous amounts
of information and make...
Stands for "Wide Area
Network." It is similar to a Local Area Network (LAN), but it's a lot
bigger. Unlike LANs, WANs...
A waveform is an image that
represents an audio signal or recording. It shows the changes in amplitude
over a certain...
Web 2.0 is term that was
introduced in 2004 and refers to the second generation of the World Wide Web.
The term...
In order to publish a website
online, you need a Web host. The Web host stores all the pages of your
website and makes...
Web pages are what make up the
World Wide Web. These documents are written in HTML (hypertext markup
language) and are...
A Web ring is a way of
interlinking related Web sites so that people can visit many similar Web
sites by just following...
The term webcam is a
combination of "Web" and "video camera." The purpose of a
webcam is, not surprisingly, to...
There are two primary ways of
checking your e-mail – using an e-mail program like Microsoft Outlook or with
The webmaster is the person in
charge of maintaining a Web site. The jobs of a webmaster include writing
HTML for Web...
A website, or Web site, is not
the same thing as a Web page. Though the two terms are often used
interchangeably, they...
Stands for "Wired
Equivalent Privacy." WEP is a security protocol for Wi-Fi networks.
Since wireless networks...
White balance is a setting
available on most digital cameras and camcorders that defines how the color
white should...
This term has historically been
used to describe a report that states the social or political position of
This is an Internet service
that finds information about a domain name or IP address. If you enter a
domain name in a...
Wi-Fi is a wireless networking
standard trademarked by the Wi-Fi Alliance. It refers to all networking equipment
Widgets are small programs
designed for the Mac OS X Dashboard. Some widgets included with Mac OS X
include a...
A wiki is a Web site that
allows users to add and update content on the site using their own Web
browser. This is made...
If you've played card games, you
may be familiar with the term "wild card." It refers to a card that
can take the...
WiMAX, also known as "IEEE
802.16," is a broadband wireless access (BWA) standard similar to Wi-Fi.
However, unlike...
This is the Windows application
programming interface (API) for developing 32-bit applications. It has been
used for...
A window is an area on the
screen that displays information for a specific program. This often includes
the user...
Microsoft Windows is the most
popular operating system for personal computers. There are several versions
of the...
Windows 7 is the seventh
version of the Microsoft Windows (operating system|operating_system). It
follows Windows...
Windows Vista is the latest
version of Microsoft's Windows (operating system|operating_system). The
business version...
Microsoft Windows XP was
introduced in 2001 and is the most significant upgrade to the Windows
operating system since...
Winsock. "Isn't that one
of those tube-like flags that tell which way the wind is blowing?"
Actually, that's a...
In the computing world, the
term "wireless" can be rather ambiguous, since it may refer to
several different wireless...
When most people think of a
wizard, they think of an old man with magical powers. This, as with many
other computer...
A word processor, or word
processing program, does exactly what the name implies. It processes words.
It also...
Word wrapping is when a line of
text automatically "wraps" to the next line when it gets to the end
of a page or text...
WordArt is a text modifying
feature in Microsoft Word, a popular word processing program. It includes
effects such as...
It has been said that a bus
stops at a bus station and a train stops at a train station, so what happens
at a...
Worm has two widely different
definitions. One refers to a computer virus and the other is an optical
Stands for "Wi-Fi
Protected Access." WPA is a security protocol designed to create secure
wireless (Wi-Fi) networks...
Stands for "World Wide
Web." It is important to know that this is not a synonym for the
Internet. The World Wide Web...
Stands for "What You See
Is What You Get," and is pronounced "wihzeewig." WYSIWYG
refers to software that accurately...
Beginning with "X"
x86 is the generic name for
Intel processors released after the original 8086 processor. These include
Stands for "Extensible
Hypertext Markup Language." Yes, apparently "Extensible"
starts with an "X." XHTML is a...
Stands for "Extensible
Markup Language." (Yes, technically it should be EML). XML is used to
define documents with a...
Stands for "Extensible
Style Sheet Language Transformation." While XML is supposed to be a
standardized language, not...
Y2K Stands for
"Year 2000." However, this term is more often used to refer to the
"Millenium Bug." This bug is a little...
Yahoo! Yahoo! is
one of the Internet's leading search engines. It is also the largest Web
portal, providing links to...
Yobibyte A
yobibyte is a unit of data storage that equals 2 to the 80th power, or
1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 bytes. ...
Yottabyte A
yottabyte is the largest unit of measurement for computer data. It consists
YouTube YouTube
is a video sharing website owned by Google that allows users to watch other
people's videos and publish their...
Beginning with "Z"
A zebibyte is a unit of data
storage that equals 2 to the 70th power, or 1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424
bytes. While...
A zero day exploit is a
malicious computer attack that takes advantage of a security hole before the
vulnerability is...
A zettabyte is 2 to the 70th
power, or 1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424 bytes. It can be estimated as 10 to
the 21st...
Stands for "Zero Insertion
Force." ZIF is a type of CPU socket on a computer motherboard that
allows for the simple...
Windows users will see this
term a lot when looking for files on the Internet. A zip file (.zip) is a
"zipped" or...
A zone file is stored on a name
server and provides information about one or more domain names. Each zone
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