Beginning with "N"
A name server translates domain
names into IP addresses. This makes it possible for a user to access a
website by...
NAS is short for "Network
Attached Storage." It refers to a network storage system in which shared
data is stored in a...
Stands for "Network
Address Translation." NAT translates the IP addresses of computers in a
local network to a single...
When you save a file using a
certain program, the file is often saved in a proprietary format only that
program can...
Stands for "Network Basic
Input/Output System." NetBIOS was introduced in 1983 by IBM as an
improvement to the...
Netiquette, or net etiquette,
refers to etiquette on the Internet. Good netiquette involves respecting
others' privacy...
A netmask is used to define a
range of IP addresses. It is similar to a subnet mask, but is used to define
classes of...
When you have two or more
computers connected to each other, you have a network. The purpose of a
network is to enable...
A network topology describes
the arrangement of systems on a computer network. It defines how the
computers, or nodes...
A new user of a technology,
such as a computer, a certain computer program, or the Internet, is often
referred to as a...
A newsgroup is an Internet-based
discussion about a particular topic. These topics range from sports, cars,
Stands for "Network
Interface Card." Pronounced "nick," this is the card that
physically makes the connection between...
Stands for "Network News
Transfer Protocol." For a message to be posted to a newsgroup, it must
be sent through this...
Stands for "Network
Operations Center." It is the central location where a company's servers
and networking equipment...
Any system or device connected
to a network is also called a node. For example, if a network connects a file
Most modern printers are called
non-impact printers since they do not operating by striking a print head
against an ink...
The northbridge is a chip
inside a computer that connects the central processing unit (CPU) to other
primary components...
Stands for "New Technology
File System." NTFS is a file system introduced by Microsoft with Windows
NT and is...
When a variable has no value,
it considered to be null. Having a null value is different than having a
value of...
A null character is a character
with all its bits set to zero. Therefore, it has a numeric value of zero and
can be...
Num Lock is a toggle key that
toggles the input of the numeric keypad. When Num Lock is on, the keypad can
be used to...
A nybble, sometimes spelled
"nibble," is a set of four bits. Since there are eight bits in a
byte, a nybble is half of...
Beginning with "O"
Stands for "Organization
for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards." To someone
backpacking through the...
Stands for "Optical
Character Recognition." This technology is what allows you to scan that
paper you lost on your...
Stands for "Open Database
Connectivity." With all the different types of databases available, such
as Microsoft...
Stands for "Original
Equipment Manufacturer." This refers to a company that produces hardware
to be marketed under...
When a computer or other device
is not turned on or connected to other devices, it is said to be
"offline." This is...
Stands for "Online
Analytical Processing." OLAP allows users to analyze database
information from multiple database...
Stands for "Object Linking
and Embedding." It can be pronounced as "O-L-E," or
"Oh-lay!" if you are feeling Spanish...
In general, when a machine is
"online," it is turned on and connected to other devices. For
example, when a network...
Stands for
"Object-Oriented Programming." OOP (not Oops!) refers to a
programming methodology based on objects...
Open Firmware is a type of
firmware that some computer systems use when they boot up. It controls the
processor and...
When a software program is open
source, it means the program's source code is freely available to the public.
OpenGL, or the Open Graphics
Library, is a 3D graphics language developed by Silicon Graphics. Before OpenGL
Also known as an
"OS," this is the software that communicates with computer hardware
on the most basic level. Without...
In the real world,
"optical" refers to vision, or the ability to see. In the computer
world, however, "optical" refers...
Media, in the computer world,
refers to various types of data storage. For example, hard drives, CDs, DVDs,
and USB...
OSD is short for "On
Screen Display." An OSD is an onscreen menu included with most monitors
that allows users to make...
Stands for "Open Shortest
Path First." OSPF is a method of finding the shortest path from one
router to another in a...
An outbox is where outgoing
e-mail messages are temporarily stored. While you are composing a message,
most mail...
Data generated by a computer is
referred to as output. This includes data produced at a software level, such
as the...
Any device that outputs information
from a computer is called, not surprisingly, an output device. Since most...
For some people, fast is never
fast enough. In the world of computers, a fast processor can be made even
faster by...
In computing, overwriting
refers to replacing old data with new data. There are two primary types of
Beginning with "P"
Stands for "Peer to
Peer." In a P2P network, the "peers" are computer systems
which are connected to each other via...
This is a small amount of
computer data sent over a network. Any time you receive data from the
Internet, it comes to...
Page orientation describes the
way a document is printed or displayed on a screen. The two main types are
Each time a user visits a Web
page, it is called a page view. Page views, also written
"pageviews," are tracked by...
This interface is found on the
back of older PCs and is used for connecting external devices such as
printers or a...
No, this is not a typo of the
word "sparse." The word "parse" means to analyze an
object specifically. It is commonly...
A partition is a section of a
hard disk. When you format a hard disk, you can usually choose the number of
A password is a string of
characters used for authenticating a user on a computer system. For example,
you may have an...
Just like you can paste a note
on a sheet of paper, you can paste data into a document on a computer. The
A path, also known as a
"file path" or "directory path," defines the location of
a file or folder. Paths can either be...
When data is sent over the
Internet, each unit transmitted includes both header information and the
actual data being...
Stands for "Personal
computer." PCs are are what most of us use on a daily basis for work or
personal use. A typical...
Stands for "Printed
Circuit Board." A PCB is a thin board made of fiberglass or a similar
material. Electrical wires...
Stands for "Peripheral
Component Interconnect." It is a hardware bus designed by Intel and used
in both PCs and Macs...
First came PCI, then PCI-X,
then PCI Express. PCI Express can be abbreviated as PCIe or, less commonly
and more...
Stands for "Peripheral
Component Interconnect Extended." Once again, "Ex" is
abbreviated with an "X" instead of an...
Stands for "Personal
Computer Memory Card International Association." It can also mean,
perhaps more appropriately...
Stands for "Personal
Digital Assistant." These are the little electronic devices you see
people jotting stuff down on...
Stands for "Portable
Document Format." PDF is a multi-platform file format developed by Adobe
Systems. A PDF file...
A pebibyte is a unit of data
storage that equals 2 to the 50th power, or 1,125,899,906,842,624 bytes.
While a...
Peopleware refers to the role
of people in the computing process. While hardware and software make up a
A computer peripheral is any
external device that provides input and output for the computer. For example,
a keyboard...
Perl actually stands for
"Practical Extraction and Report Language," but you don't really
need to know that unless you...
Short for "permanent
link." A permalink is a URL that links to a specific news story or Web
posting. Permalinks are...
A personal URL, or
"purl," is a custom Web address that you can select for your
profile page within a website...
A petabyte is 2 to the 50th
power, or 1,125,899,906,842,624 bytes. However, petabytes are often estimated
as 10 to the...
Petaflops (also PFLOPS) is used
to measure the performance of a computer's floating point unit (FPU). One
Pharming is yet another way
hackers attempt to manipulate users on the Internet. While phishing attempts
to capture...
Phishing is similar to fishing
in a lake, but instead of trying to capture fish, phishers attempt to steal
Stands for "Hypertext
Preprocessor." (It is a recursive acronym, if you can understand what
that means.) PHP is an...
Phreaking refers to
experimenting with or exploiting a telephone system and is often considered
to be the predecessor...
A piconet is a network that is
created using a wireless Bluetooth connection. Some examples of piconets
include 1) a...
Stands for "Personal
Information Manager." A PIM is a software application that serves as a
planner, notebook, and...
This term refers to a golf
equipment brand, as well as the sound made by striking your glass with a
spoon at the dinner...
Computer processors can handle
millions of instructions each second. Once one instruction is processed, the
next one...
When someone installs and uses
commercial software without paying for the program, it is called
"pirating" the...
The term "pixel" is actually
short for "Picture Element." These small little dots are what make
up the images on...
Plain text is another name for
unformatted text. Unlike rich text, plain text does not support italics,
In the computer world, a
"platform" typically refers to a computer's operating system. For
example, a Dell computer...
Plug and Play, sometimes,
abbreviated PnP, is a catchy phrase used to describe devices that work with a
computer system...
A plug-in (also
"plugin") is software add-on that adds extra features and
capabilities to an application. Typically...
Stands for "Power
Management Unit." The PMU is a microcontroller, or integrated circuit,
that controls the power...
Stands for "Portable
Network Graphic." This format was designed as an alternative to the GIF
format (which has been...
The name "podcast"
combines the terms iPod and broadcast into a single catchy word. As the name
suggests, podcasts are...
The term "pop-up" has
two computer-related meanings. One refers to a window and the other is a type
of menu. ...
Stands for "Post Office
Protocol." POP3, sometimes referred to as just "POP," is a
simple, standardized method of...
As if computer terms weren't
hard enough to understand, there are three different meanings of the word
"port." 1. An...
While this term can also refer
to a matterless vortex used to travel between different dimensions, an
Internet portal...
PostScript is a page
description language (PDL) that describes a page's text and graphical
content. It can be used to...
While the phrase "power cycle"
appears to be a noun, it is actually more commonly used as a verb. In simple
terms, to...
A power supply is a component
that regulates and provides power to an electrical device. It receives power
from a wall...
When it comes to computers,
there are regular users and there are power users. Most people fall into the
PowerPoint is a presentation
program developed by Microsoft. It is included in the standard Office suite
along with...
Stands for "Pay Per
Click," and is used in online advertising. PPC advertisements generate
revenue for Web publishers...
Stands for "Plastic Pin
Grid Array" (not the Pretty People Golfer's Association). PPGA is a type
of processor design...
Stands for "Pixels Per
Inch." The resolution of a printed photo is often measured in DPI, or
"dots per inch." The DPI...
Stands for "Pay Per
Lead." PPL is similar to CPL, but measures the cost per lead from the
advertiser's perspective...
Stands for "Pages Per
Minute." PPM is used to measure the printing speed of both inkjet and
laser printers. Most...
Stands for "Point to Point
Protocol." It is the Internet standard for dial-up modem connections.
PPP is a set of...
PPPoE is short for
"Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet" and is pronounced
"P-P-P-oh-E." It is a protocol commonly...
Stands for "Point-to-Point
Tunneling Protocol." PPTP is a networking standard for connecting to
virtual private...
Stands for "Parameter
Random Access Memory," and is pronounced "P-ram." PRAM is a
type of memory found in Macintosh...
Prebinding is an optimization
process that allows faster launching of applications in Mac OS X. Often, when
a program...
A primary key is a unique
identifier for a database record. When a table is created, one of the fields
is typically...
A printer is an output device
that prints documents from a computer. Common printers include inkjet and
A process is a program that is
running on your computer. This can be anything from a small background task,
such as a...
This little chip is the heart
of a computer. Also referred to as the "microprocessor," the
processor does all the...
Program is a common computer
term that can be used as both a noun and a verb. A program (noun) is
executable software...
Video signals are generated
using horizontal lines. An interlaced picture draws every other line and
PROM stands for
"Programmable Read-Only Memory" and is pronounced
"P-ROM." It is a type of ROM used in small...
When computers communicate with
each other, there needs to be a common set of rules and instructions that
each computer...
Most large businesses,
organizations, and universities these days use a proxy server. This is a
server that all...
PS/2 is a type of port used by
older computers for connecting input devices such as keyboards and mice. The
port was...
Most software programs are
developed using a programming language, like (C++|cplusplus) or Java. These
languages have...
Push refers to a system in
which data is "pushed" to a user's device rather than
"pulled" by the user. In other words...
Python is a programming
language commonly used for creating Web applications and software plug-ins.
It is designed to...
Beginning with "Q"
Stands for "Query By
Example." QBE is a feature included with various database applications
that provides a...
Quad-core CPUs have four
processing cores. These cores act as separate processors, but reside in a
single chip. A...
To avoid any confusion, this
term is pronounced exactly like the letter "Q". It is not
pronounced "kay" or "kyoo-ee...
This is a multimedia technology
developed by our friends at Apple Computer. It is a popular format for
creating and...
This term is used to describe a
standard (Latin alphabet-based) keyboard. Why? Because the first six keys in
Beginning with "R"
RADCAB is a mnemonic acronym
that helps people evaluate information found online. It was created by
Stands for "Redundant
Array of Independent Disks." RAID is a method of storing data on
multiple hard disks. When...
Stands for "Random Access
Memory," and is pronounced like the male sheep. RAM is made up of small
memory chips that...
Most images you see on your
computer screen are raster graphics. Pictures found on the Web and photos you
import from...
Raw data is unprocessed
computer data. This information may be stored in a file, or may just be a
collection of...
A raw file is a collection of
unprocessed data. This means the file has not been altered, compressed, or
Stands for "Resource
Description Framework." RDF is a specification that defines how
metadata, or descriptive...
Stands for "Rambus Dynamic
Random Access Memory." It is a type of RAM made by Rambus (big surprise)
and is the fastest...
A readme file, often named
"READ ME" to get the user's attention, is a text file containing
useful information about a...
Real numbers include all
positive and negative numbers. They may be integers (e.g. -12), rational
numbers (e.g...
When an event or function is
processed instantaneously, it is said to occur in real-time. To say something
takes place...
Recursion is a process in which
a function calls itself as a subroutine. This allows the function to be
A recursive function is a
function that calls itself during its execution. This enables the function to
repeat itself...
The Recycle Bin in used by
Windows computers to store deleted items. It temporarily stores files and folders
Refresh is a command that
reloads the contents of a window or Web page with the most current data. For
example, a...
Computer monitors often have a
"maximum refresh rate" listed in their technical specifications.
This number, measured...
This is a database used by
Microsoft Windows to store configuration information about the software
installed on a...
Reimaging is the process of
restoring data to a hard disk from a disk image. When a hard disk is
reimaged, the data on...
Remote access is just what it
sounds like -- the ability to access your computer from a remote location.
Programs like...
Remote desktop technology makes
it possible to view another computer's desktop on your computer. This means
you can...
A "remote user" is
how a woman might refer to her husband while he is watching TV. In the
computer world, however, a...
A repeater is an electronic
device that relays a transmitted signal. It receives a signal on a specific
This term can describe either
how many pixels a monitor can display or how fine a printer can print. 1.
Monitors. A...
The word "restore"
means to return something to its former condition. Therefore, when you
restore a computer or other...
RFID is short for
"Radio-Frequency Identification." RFID tags are small integrated
circuits that can be scanned with a...
Stands for "Red Green
Blue." It refers to the three hues of light (red, green, and blue, for
those of you that are a...
Rich text is more exciting than
plain text. It supports text formatting, such as bold, italics, and
underlining, as...
Most computer mice have at
least two mouse buttons. When you press the left one, it is called a left
click. When you...
Recording audio with a computer
involves capturing an audio signal and saving it digitally on a hard drive.
Ripping an...
Stands for "Reduced
Instruction Set Computing,"and is pronounced "risk." It is
arguably the fastest and most...
Stands for "Read-Only
Memory." Please do not confuse this term with RAM or a hard drive, as
many people already do...
Root, or the "root
node," refers to the top level of a file system. Since file systems are
organized by directories...
A rootkit is not a collection
of tree roots, as you might be picturing in your head. Instead, a rootkit is
a group of...
Rosetta is technology included
in Mac OS X that allows software written for PowerPC processors to run on
This is a hardware device that
routes data (hence the name) from a local area network (LAN) to another
Stands for "Remote
Procedure Call." Most computer programs run procedures, or sets of
instructions, using the...
Stands for "Revenue Per
1,000 Impressions." RPM is similar to CPM, but measures the revenue from
1,000 ads impressions...
Stands for "RDF Site
Summary," but is commonly referred to as "Really Simple
Syndication." RSS is method of providing...
Stands for "Runtime
Environment." As soon as a software program is executed, it is in a
runtime state. In this state...
Stands for "Rich Text
Format." RTF is a file format standardized by Microsoft for creating
formatted text files...
While in the physical world,
"ruby" refers to a red gemstone, in the computer world, ruby is an
When a program is running, or
executing, it is said to be in runtime. The term is mostly used by software
Stands for "Rational
Unified Process." RUP is a software development process from Rational, a
division of IBM. It...
Thanks for sharing your terms. I did shared the terms I was studying on my real estate blog and it helped me remember everything. I passed the exam on the first try. Good netiquette, your awesome!